Monday, May 9, 2016

Why People Go On A Detox Diet

Why People Go On A Detox Diet 

A detoxification or detox diet is the oldest medical treatment on Earth that involves natural process of neutralizing toxins from the body. Toxins and other unnecessary substances are transformed to less harmful compounds and sent out from the body in the form of urine and stools. A detox diet requires you dietary and lifestyle changes which include avoidance of unhealthy substances such as alcohol, tovbacco, drugs, rich and fatty foods, refined foods and so much more.

A simple detox diet is one that involves taking fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains which is high in fiber and other organic foods. During the period of diet, you are also prohibited to eat breads, baked goods, pasta, animal or dairy products and nuts. The detox diet helps increase the level of water and fiber in the body which promotes cleansing of the colon and the rest of gastrointestinal tract.

People detoxify for a healthy and rejuvenated body. Detox diet helps you to clear symptoms, treat disease and prevent future problems. It is an ideal way to reevaluate your life and enhance vitality. Some uses detox diet for spiritual renewal, to feel more alive, awake and aware. It inspires a lifestyle free from abuses and addictions such as alcohol and tobacco addiction. Most often body energies are increased thru detox diet thus, making a person steadier and flexible to change both internally and externally.

If you want to detoxify just once in a year, the best time is during spring or autumn season. The hardest period during detox program is the first two days. On these days, you might feel symptoms like headaches, fatigue, irritability, mucous congestions and other body pains. However, according to medical experts anyone can maintain a regular work schedule during a detox diet.

The best day of the week for detox diet is Friday as you are expected to rest on the next days. This helps you to feel more relaxed and free from stress of work environment or to chemical exposures. It is also best to do detox diet on this day because you can avoid the temptation of breaking from the program and be with people that can support your decision.

We have five general detoxification systems composed of gastrointestinal, urinary, respiratory, lymphatic, skin. An individual’s lifestyle determines the frequency of detoxification needed by the body. The most common symptoms of toxicity are headache, over fatigue, backaches, digestive problems, allergies, and sensitivity to chemicals, perfumes and synthetics. But before undergoing detoxification it is important to consult your doctor to determine the real cause of the symptoms.

Detox diet is also an effective way to threat obesity as it almost always interconnected with toxicity. Losing weight means reducing body fats and eliminating toxins in the body. However, you need to be extra careful because you might also loose essential nutrients in your body. Physical activity will enhance better weight loss and detoxification.

Moreover, detoxification does not only involves elimination of unnecessary body substances but also spiritual renewal. It is also important that when you undergo a detox diet you are free from pollutions, noise and stressful routines.

It can mean social isolation but who knows it might be the best way to put away all the negative energies that pull us down and replace them with positive energies that will enhance our vitality and will bring us back to healthier body and soul.

Types of Detox Diets

Types of Detox Diets

There are many types of detox diets. To give you an idea, let’s discuss about a few of them so you already have a few choices.

First is the Master Cleanse Detox Diet which is a combination of cayenne pepper, lemon juice and maple syrup that is mixed in water. This is considered to be a gentler diet because maple syrup which is easily absorbed help regulates the release of toxins as stored fat and thus converts it to energy slowly.

Another type of Liquid Detox Diet is Juice Fast which may come from fruits, vegetables or the combination of both. This is similar to the master cleanse detox diet but you get more benefits like enzymes, minerals and vitamins that are known to support the rejuvenating process of the body. Best of all, the body is able to assimilate the juices directly without producing digestive enzymes.

Next is the Mono Fruit Detox Diet. From the word mono, you can already tell that this diet only involves eating one type of fruit. The nice thing about this diet is that it can be done for a long period since the fruit provides the body with organic water allowing the bodies cells to cleanse itself. Once inside, it can easily go out taking with it harmful waste products.

The use of only one fruit has one more benefit. It makes your body’s pH more stable and keeps the sugar levels in your bloodstream less volatile.

We also have the Raw Food Detox Diet. Here, eating food raw helps prevent the loss of vitamins, minerals and other essentials caused by cooking or washing. The body is also able to get digestive enzymes that will help in the metabolic process and strengthen your immune system. The best thing about eating raw food is that it supports ideal potassium-to-sodium ratios that optimize cell functioning and pH balance which is the overall objective of a detox diet.

Many of us can’t eat raw food three meals a day. So an alternative will be the Hallelujah diet which enables you to eat 85% raw foods and 15% cooked foods. The catch is that the cooked portion should only be done during the end of the evening meal. You will also have to skip breakfast and instead have only barley grass drinks and fresh vegetable juices.

It will take some time to skip breakfast if you are used to it and the transition can best be done by substituting your bacon and eggs with almond milk, fresh fruit salad, sprouted grain toast with almond butter and whole grain raw granola.

There is also the diuretic diet. This type of detox diet will not reduce body fat but help the body release fluid. You can get this from certain herbs and vegetables like asparagus, artichoke, celery seed, dandelion, juniper berries, melon, parsley and watercress. This is also available in food supplements and you can even find it in beverages like coffee, coke and tea.

These are just some of the detox diets available that are designed to cleanse your body. If you are not into those that were mentioned, do some research to find other alternatives. Just remember to consult your doctor first so you are sure that this is safe given your overall physical health.

Fruit And Vegetable Juice Detox Diet

Fruit And Vegetable Juice Detox Diet 

Fruit juices are considered effective detoxifiers and vegetable juices are the best cellular builders.  Variety of fruits and vegetables are great source of juices for detox diet. For vegetables, the best juice producers are cucumber, celery, lettuce, tomato, spinach beets, cabbage, carrot, bell pepper, parsley, potato, onion, garlic, broccoli, cauliflower, dandelion greens, eggplant, zucchini and watercress.

Vegetable juice can be either hot or cold, depending on your preference. However, hot vegetable juice makes an excellent broth and adds variety to a juice in short time. Some prefers, cold vegetable juice because nutrients are lost in the heating process plus a vegetable soup is more natural and earthy.

The chlorophyll content in green leafy vegetables are considered almost identical to hemoglobin found in the human blood. Because of this it is considered effective medicine for blood related disorders and detoxification of the digestive tract.

For fruits, the best juice producers are apple, peach, pear, pineapple, grapes, any type of melon, apricots, cherries, plums, oranges, lemons, grapefruit, and limes. You must take extra precaution in taking fruit juices for detox diet. To be sure of the quality of the fruit juices you drink, use fresh and organic juices. Processed juices are often made from rejected and not good quality of fruits usually already has mold, pesticide residue, and animal wastes like bird droppings.

Some manufacturers purchase small, underripe, overripe, bruised and partly moldy fruits to make frit juices. That is why if you intend to drink fruit juices from the supermarket make sure it’s pasteurized. A particular bacteria called E.coli bacteria is commonly found in unwashed apples.

It normally grows in the lower digestive tract of animals and can cause food poisoning and even death when the food it had been contaminated is eaten uncooked or raw. E.coli is commonly found in animal meat, however meats are often cooked thus killing the bacteria in the process.

You can mix two or three fruit juices together. You can mix two or three vegetable juices together. Or you can mix fruit and vegetable juices. Whichever you prefer. However, not all juices when mixed together will give you the best tasting juices except carrots and apples. Carrots when mixed with fruit drink makes a great complement while apples sweeten up any vegetable juice. Mixing juices really depends on you and your creativity.

Some fruit juices also tends to be very flavorful and sweet, to lessen the strong and rich taste, you can dilute it with water. Fruit juice will start to oxidize after 12 hours so it is best to prepare just enough juice for your consumption. The nutritional value will be lost even you store it in the fridge.

Juices are made in specially designed machines. Blenders are not that effective in making juices. Juicers extract the juice and separated the juice from the pulp or fibers while blenders chop the fiber and mixed it with the rest of the juice. You won’t actually need recipes in making delicious juices. The richness and tastes depends on your preferences.

However, if you need ideas, there are plenty of juice recipe books you can found in bookstores or even in the internet. Among of the popular juice recipe for detox diet are: vegetable green drink, carrot-celery drink, melon cocktail and carrot-pineapple delight.

Detox Diet: Truth and Consequence

Detox Diet: Truth and Consequence

Your favorite Hollywood stars have done it; and in just a few days, they have lost several pounds. So, here you are, wanting to shed off those pounds – fast. So you do your research on the matter, and you even consult practitioners who may have knowledge on the topic. You are on the verge of trying this new fad diet. But is it really safe?

Is it worth all the starvation? Is the detox diet really the answer to your weight problems? If you are leaning towards the affirmative, you may want to read this article to know the truth and the consequence of committing yourself into a strict detox diet.

As the name implies, the detox diet detoxifies or cleanses the body by helping it get rid of all the chemicals and toxins that may harm our internal system. This is usually done by drinking a lot of water and liquids and eating lots of vegetables and fruits while staying away from solid foods. The main idea of this diet is to flush out all the bad stuff from the body, thus in the process, leaving the body fresh and clean and free from unwanted toxins. This regimen is just a form of fasting, wherein an individual is restricted to eat certain foods for a couple of days, and these foods should only be moderately reintroduced into the system after a few days.

Proponents of the detox diet maintain that this therapy can bring so much good effects. They say that this diet would allow a person to be more energetic and more fully conscious. They further allege that because toxins are eliminated from the body, an individual may feel healthier and lighter. However, one thing that they the proponents of this diet had failed to show is the scientific proof and basis that may support all their claims.

They were not able to present evidence that the diet really does help in the elimination of toxins from the body, and if it really does, there was no substantiation as to the effects of elimination of these toxins.

The detox diet would really introduce you into a diet wherein you would consume foods that are good for your health; however at the same time, you may also lack some nutrients because you might be restricted to eating just vegetables and fruits. The nutrients that you may get from meat and other animal products will not be compensated. Thus, if you are an active person, you may not be fueled enough to keep up with your liveliness, then the diet becomes risky.

This diet may also involve taking supplements to aid in the weight loss program, and most of the supplements used are laxatives. These elements are intended to make a person visit the comfort room more often. Thus, they may cause dehydration, and the mechanisms of the digestive system may be disrupted, which may cause further problem.

And because detox diet is similar to fasting, the effect may be that weight would really be lost. However, the pounds shed would mostly consist of water and even muscle; this is contrary to the idea that what you should be shedding of are those unwanted fats. And another thing to consider is that when you fast, your body’s metabolism is affected, this will only make it more difficult for you to keep your weight off or to lose even more weight later on.

Detox diet is really not a bad idea. Drinking lots of water and consuming fruits and vegetables is very much encouraged. However, you should bear in mind that everything should be made in moderation and in proper proportions. You should still get nutrients from other foods, thus, your diet should not be restricted to just fruits and vegetables. Perhaps, if you try to eat everything in right amounts, then it is better than starving yourself just to lose weight.

Your body already has the organs to cleanse itself. With a proper, balanced and healthy diet, your kidney, liver and other organs would perform their functions well, and detox diet is no longer necessary.

Detox Diet: the Key to a Healthy Lifestyle

Detox Diet: the Key to a Healthy Lifestyle

Detox, short for detoxification, is the body's natural, ongoing process of neutralizing or eliminating toxins from the body. Toxins are chemically changed into less harmful compounds and flushed out of the body through stools or urine. Detox diet is the method of taking in certain food and drinks with the end purpose of getting rid of toxins from the body for finest health.

In short, it is a diet which detoxifies the body. Detox diets may vary in forms and the substances to ingest. In most of the cases, the food selections are very strict. On the other hand, some are more lenient but then certain drugs are prescribed to assist in the detoxification.

Detoxification is good for the body if done properly and with professional guidance. It is highly recommended that a person who wishes to undertake detox diet must first consult a physician or dietician. This is because detoxification may be harmful to the body if not conducted properly. Sometimes the misuse of a detox diet may produce certain diseases or even malnutrition. But with the proper guidance, detox diet can make a body healthier and stronger.

When a body is detoxified, the toxins are removed from the body through the urine or the stools. When there are less toxins in the body, blood circulation gets better, respiration is stroger, stamina is improved, stress is decreased, and the person himself will feel better.  But the most popular reason why people go for a detox diet is that it is the quickest and safest way to lose weight.

Most detox diets comprise of only fruits, vegetables, and water. Since this sort of diet is very strict, meat, dairy, alcohol, and bread are big no-nos. This allows the body to absorb less calories and carbohydrates. Detoxification also produces the effect of lessening harmful substances in the body like fat and cholesterol.

However, since a deox diet is very strict, it is highly advisable that it only be used for a short period of time. Detox diets are regularly short-term only and this sort of diet is not recommended to be done for a long period of time because it may be a cause of malnutrition. A detox diet is usually low in protein and carbohydrates. Without these, muscle growth and energy is easily diminished.

So, detox diets must only be used for a short-term basis. After following a detox diet many people report having ‘more energy and losing weight quickly’ and given that the diet is so restrictive, it is hardly surprising that you will have lost a few pounds.

However, detoxing is not a weight management solution. Following the detox program will not teach you anything about basic weight management strategies such as portion control or a healthy meal pattern. As a result most people gain weight again and feel just as sluggish as usual once they stop the diet and return to their old eating habits. The real reason that detox diets work in the short-term is because people make a special effort to change their eating habits for a few days.

It stands to reason that if you swap chips and fizzy drinks for fruit and water you will loose weight. Also, if you’re not eating lots of high fat meals, which slow your body down as it tries to digest them, you will have more energy.

Reasons for a Detox Diet

Reasons for a Detox Diet

Maybe you have read a lot of articles discussing detox diets, its efficiency as well as its drawbacks. And because of the many write ups that you have read about it, you are now confused as to whether or not you should try this regimen. Some articles may have written that it is very effective and with just a few days, you will lose several pounds. Some articles, on the other hand, may tell you that this diet is not healthy and it may have some side effects that are not worth the try. What then should you believe?

Perhaps with the right motivation and purpose, the detox diet may really improve your way of living. With just the name of the diet, you are sure to be free from the toxins in your body, and these are the chemicals that are believed to be harmful for your health. Perhaps if you know why and how the detox diet should be properly performed, then you can never go wrong.

Most professionals believe that cleansing your body is a must and this is what a detox diet offers - an overall purification of the body system. Although the body is equipped with organs that are designed to perform filtration for the cleansing of the body, the detox diet can still be performed for assistance and support. However, most professionals also believe that the detoxification should not be performed for a long period.

They suggest that twice a year or once every six months is enough. This is because for them, the detox diet is not really for weight loss. Its goal should really be for the elimination of harmful substances.

Another reason for a detoxification is the attainment of good quality health. A good quality health would refer to what your body can do. Its ability to keep you going and keep you active to attend to your daily activities would mean that it has good quality.

However, nowadays, the value of one’s health is dependent on his lifestyle and on the opinion of others who influence his life. You should always remember that you should take care of your health. You should always keep it running in good condition, because this will take you to where you want to go.

Aging can also be another motivation for you to undergo detoxification. Through a detox diet, toxins are flushed out of your system; and these toxins are the same causes of aging and deterioration. Detoxification is better than taking drugs that claim to prevent aging.

Growing old is a process that everyone has to undergo, and it is an inevitable course; however, you should be able to go through it healthily and with grace. Taking in drugs may only fill your body with more toxins, thus detoxifying is a better option.

You should know your priorities when it comes to your health. And urbanization and commercialization may have caused a lot of people to establish different sets of priorities, but your constant priority should always be your health. For the right reasons, a detox diet is a great way to maintain your health and keep it in good shape.

You will have greater protection against illnesses and diseases because your system is purified and cleansed. With moderation and proper guidance, you can never go wrong with a detox diet.

Getting Started on Your Detox Diet

Getting Started on Your Detox Diet

Detox diet, or what is commonly called as a cleansing diet, is a means of cleansing the body with toxins and chemicals that may potentially harm body tissues. Through this diet, these unwanted toxins are converted into less damaging compounds which can easily be excreted through urination and bowel movement. This technique may be a potential in helping you lose your weight and at the same time guiding you in living a healthier life.

However, when planning to lose weight, there are certain things that you should take into consideration before committing yourself into a diet program. Thus, just like with any other types and forms of diet, anyone on who plans to go on a detox diet should first evaluate the plan properly and seriously weigh on the pros and cons of his diet.

People who should not try a Detox Diet

On the whole, anyone who opts to try this diet should first seek advice from his physician. He should at least be given an overview of the possible outcome as well as the side effects that he may experience during the program. A proper assessment of the program, by the individual together with his professional care provider, would prevent serious illnesses that may transpire as a consequence of the diet.

More important to note is the fact that people who are in a delicate phase of their lives, like children or pregnant women, are not advised to attempt this dietary plan. People who are diagnosed with serious illnesses and chronic conditions such as cancer or genetic diseases should likewise refrain from trying the detox diet.

Their conditions are considered as very mild and thus, it would be better if they choose another diet plan. Or, if they also wish to try this type of diet, they should do so under the care and supervision of their primary caregiver.

Selecting the Proper Method

The detox diet may be done in several ways, and it is important that the proper method of cleansing is chosen and selected by the individual. The diet plan may be in a form of a special diet, or it may be done by ingesting herbs or taking supplements, or even as simple as a hydrotherapy. The program may also be the performance of simple exercises or some breathing techniques. And the extreme forms of this therapy may involve colon hydrotherapy, liver flush and chelation.

Among these techniques, a gentle detox diet plan is the most common suggestion of practitioners. This diet plan should be enough to target the organs of the body like the kidney, liver and colon. These are the organs that take part in the detoxification of our entire system. If you wish to avail of this diet plan, you may even ask a practitioner to make a plan especially for you.

Frequency of Detoxification

Detox diet is not recommended for long term duration. Practitioners suggest that the detoxification be done only once or twice a year as prevention to diseases and improvement of health. However, in some instances, the duration of the diet may be lengthened or the frequency may be increased, depending on the advice of the practitioner. The bottom line still is that this diet should not be done without supervision of experts.

These are just some of the things that you may want to reflect on before you start your detox diet. You should keep in mind that the diet should make you healthier, and it should not endanger your health. Thus, you should always consult your physician before starting on a diet.