Monday, May 9, 2016

Why People Go On A Detox Diet

Why People Go On A Detox Diet 

A detoxification or detox diet is the oldest medical treatment on Earth that involves natural process of neutralizing toxins from the body. Toxins and other unnecessary substances are transformed to less harmful compounds and sent out from the body in the form of urine and stools. A detox diet requires you dietary and lifestyle changes which include avoidance of unhealthy substances such as alcohol, tovbacco, drugs, rich and fatty foods, refined foods and so much more.

A simple detox diet is one that involves taking fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains which is high in fiber and other organic foods. During the period of diet, you are also prohibited to eat breads, baked goods, pasta, animal or dairy products and nuts. The detox diet helps increase the level of water and fiber in the body which promotes cleansing of the colon and the rest of gastrointestinal tract.

People detoxify for a healthy and rejuvenated body. Detox diet helps you to clear symptoms, treat disease and prevent future problems. It is an ideal way to reevaluate your life and enhance vitality. Some uses detox diet for spiritual renewal, to feel more alive, awake and aware. It inspires a lifestyle free from abuses and addictions such as alcohol and tobacco addiction. Most often body energies are increased thru detox diet thus, making a person steadier and flexible to change both internally and externally.

If you want to detoxify just once in a year, the best time is during spring or autumn season. The hardest period during detox program is the first two days. On these days, you might feel symptoms like headaches, fatigue, irritability, mucous congestions and other body pains. However, according to medical experts anyone can maintain a regular work schedule during a detox diet.

The best day of the week for detox diet is Friday as you are expected to rest on the next days. This helps you to feel more relaxed and free from stress of work environment or to chemical exposures. It is also best to do detox diet on this day because you can avoid the temptation of breaking from the program and be with people that can support your decision.

We have five general detoxification systems composed of gastrointestinal, urinary, respiratory, lymphatic, skin. An individual’s lifestyle determines the frequency of detoxification needed by the body. The most common symptoms of toxicity are headache, over fatigue, backaches, digestive problems, allergies, and sensitivity to chemicals, perfumes and synthetics. But before undergoing detoxification it is important to consult your doctor to determine the real cause of the symptoms.

Detox diet is also an effective way to threat obesity as it almost always interconnected with toxicity. Losing weight means reducing body fats and eliminating toxins in the body. However, you need to be extra careful because you might also loose essential nutrients in your body. Physical activity will enhance better weight loss and detoxification.

Moreover, detoxification does not only involves elimination of unnecessary body substances but also spiritual renewal. It is also important that when you undergo a detox diet you are free from pollutions, noise and stressful routines.

It can mean social isolation but who knows it might be the best way to put away all the negative energies that pull us down and replace them with positive energies that will enhance our vitality and will bring us back to healthier body and soul.

Types of Detox Diets

Types of Detox Diets

There are many types of detox diets. To give you an idea, let’s discuss about a few of them so you already have a few choices.

First is the Master Cleanse Detox Diet which is a combination of cayenne pepper, lemon juice and maple syrup that is mixed in water. This is considered to be a gentler diet because maple syrup which is easily absorbed help regulates the release of toxins as stored fat and thus converts it to energy slowly.

Another type of Liquid Detox Diet is Juice Fast which may come from fruits, vegetables or the combination of both. This is similar to the master cleanse detox diet but you get more benefits like enzymes, minerals and vitamins that are known to support the rejuvenating process of the body. Best of all, the body is able to assimilate the juices directly without producing digestive enzymes.

Next is the Mono Fruit Detox Diet. From the word mono, you can already tell that this diet only involves eating one type of fruit. The nice thing about this diet is that it can be done for a long period since the fruit provides the body with organic water allowing the bodies cells to cleanse itself. Once inside, it can easily go out taking with it harmful waste products.

The use of only one fruit has one more benefit. It makes your body’s pH more stable and keeps the sugar levels in your bloodstream less volatile.

We also have the Raw Food Detox Diet. Here, eating food raw helps prevent the loss of vitamins, minerals and other essentials caused by cooking or washing. The body is also able to get digestive enzymes that will help in the metabolic process and strengthen your immune system. The best thing about eating raw food is that it supports ideal potassium-to-sodium ratios that optimize cell functioning and pH balance which is the overall objective of a detox diet.

Many of us can’t eat raw food three meals a day. So an alternative will be the Hallelujah diet which enables you to eat 85% raw foods and 15% cooked foods. The catch is that the cooked portion should only be done during the end of the evening meal. You will also have to skip breakfast and instead have only barley grass drinks and fresh vegetable juices.

It will take some time to skip breakfast if you are used to it and the transition can best be done by substituting your bacon and eggs with almond milk, fresh fruit salad, sprouted grain toast with almond butter and whole grain raw granola.

There is also the diuretic diet. This type of detox diet will not reduce body fat but help the body release fluid. You can get this from certain herbs and vegetables like asparagus, artichoke, celery seed, dandelion, juniper berries, melon, parsley and watercress. This is also available in food supplements and you can even find it in beverages like coffee, coke and tea.

These are just some of the detox diets available that are designed to cleanse your body. If you are not into those that were mentioned, do some research to find other alternatives. Just remember to consult your doctor first so you are sure that this is safe given your overall physical health.

Fruit And Vegetable Juice Detox Diet

Fruit And Vegetable Juice Detox Diet 

Fruit juices are considered effective detoxifiers and vegetable juices are the best cellular builders.  Variety of fruits and vegetables are great source of juices for detox diet. For vegetables, the best juice producers are cucumber, celery, lettuce, tomato, spinach beets, cabbage, carrot, bell pepper, parsley, potato, onion, garlic, broccoli, cauliflower, dandelion greens, eggplant, zucchini and watercress.

Vegetable juice can be either hot or cold, depending on your preference. However, hot vegetable juice makes an excellent broth and adds variety to a juice in short time. Some prefers, cold vegetable juice because nutrients are lost in the heating process plus a vegetable soup is more natural and earthy.

The chlorophyll content in green leafy vegetables are considered almost identical to hemoglobin found in the human blood. Because of this it is considered effective medicine for blood related disorders and detoxification of the digestive tract.

For fruits, the best juice producers are apple, peach, pear, pineapple, grapes, any type of melon, apricots, cherries, plums, oranges, lemons, grapefruit, and limes. You must take extra precaution in taking fruit juices for detox diet. To be sure of the quality of the fruit juices you drink, use fresh and organic juices. Processed juices are often made from rejected and not good quality of fruits usually already has mold, pesticide residue, and animal wastes like bird droppings.

Some manufacturers purchase small, underripe, overripe, bruised and partly moldy fruits to make frit juices. That is why if you intend to drink fruit juices from the supermarket make sure it’s pasteurized. A particular bacteria called E.coli bacteria is commonly found in unwashed apples.

It normally grows in the lower digestive tract of animals and can cause food poisoning and even death when the food it had been contaminated is eaten uncooked or raw. E.coli is commonly found in animal meat, however meats are often cooked thus killing the bacteria in the process.

You can mix two or three fruit juices together. You can mix two or three vegetable juices together. Or you can mix fruit and vegetable juices. Whichever you prefer. However, not all juices when mixed together will give you the best tasting juices except carrots and apples. Carrots when mixed with fruit drink makes a great complement while apples sweeten up any vegetable juice. Mixing juices really depends on you and your creativity.

Some fruit juices also tends to be very flavorful and sweet, to lessen the strong and rich taste, you can dilute it with water. Fruit juice will start to oxidize after 12 hours so it is best to prepare just enough juice for your consumption. The nutritional value will be lost even you store it in the fridge.

Juices are made in specially designed machines. Blenders are not that effective in making juices. Juicers extract the juice and separated the juice from the pulp or fibers while blenders chop the fiber and mixed it with the rest of the juice. You won’t actually need recipes in making delicious juices. The richness and tastes depends on your preferences.

However, if you need ideas, there are plenty of juice recipe books you can found in bookstores or even in the internet. Among of the popular juice recipe for detox diet are: vegetable green drink, carrot-celery drink, melon cocktail and carrot-pineapple delight.

Detox Diet: Truth and Consequence

Detox Diet: Truth and Consequence

Your favorite Hollywood stars have done it; and in just a few days, they have lost several pounds. So, here you are, wanting to shed off those pounds – fast. So you do your research on the matter, and you even consult practitioners who may have knowledge on the topic. You are on the verge of trying this new fad diet. But is it really safe?

Is it worth all the starvation? Is the detox diet really the answer to your weight problems? If you are leaning towards the affirmative, you may want to read this article to know the truth and the consequence of committing yourself into a strict detox diet.

As the name implies, the detox diet detoxifies or cleanses the body by helping it get rid of all the chemicals and toxins that may harm our internal system. This is usually done by drinking a lot of water and liquids and eating lots of vegetables and fruits while staying away from solid foods. The main idea of this diet is to flush out all the bad stuff from the body, thus in the process, leaving the body fresh and clean and free from unwanted toxins. This regimen is just a form of fasting, wherein an individual is restricted to eat certain foods for a couple of days, and these foods should only be moderately reintroduced into the system after a few days.

Proponents of the detox diet maintain that this therapy can bring so much good effects. They say that this diet would allow a person to be more energetic and more fully conscious. They further allege that because toxins are eliminated from the body, an individual may feel healthier and lighter. However, one thing that they the proponents of this diet had failed to show is the scientific proof and basis that may support all their claims.

They were not able to present evidence that the diet really does help in the elimination of toxins from the body, and if it really does, there was no substantiation as to the effects of elimination of these toxins.

The detox diet would really introduce you into a diet wherein you would consume foods that are good for your health; however at the same time, you may also lack some nutrients because you might be restricted to eating just vegetables and fruits. The nutrients that you may get from meat and other animal products will not be compensated. Thus, if you are an active person, you may not be fueled enough to keep up with your liveliness, then the diet becomes risky.

This diet may also involve taking supplements to aid in the weight loss program, and most of the supplements used are laxatives. These elements are intended to make a person visit the comfort room more often. Thus, they may cause dehydration, and the mechanisms of the digestive system may be disrupted, which may cause further problem.

And because detox diet is similar to fasting, the effect may be that weight would really be lost. However, the pounds shed would mostly consist of water and even muscle; this is contrary to the idea that what you should be shedding of are those unwanted fats. And another thing to consider is that when you fast, your body’s metabolism is affected, this will only make it more difficult for you to keep your weight off or to lose even more weight later on.

Detox diet is really not a bad idea. Drinking lots of water and consuming fruits and vegetables is very much encouraged. However, you should bear in mind that everything should be made in moderation and in proper proportions. You should still get nutrients from other foods, thus, your diet should not be restricted to just fruits and vegetables. Perhaps, if you try to eat everything in right amounts, then it is better than starving yourself just to lose weight.

Your body already has the organs to cleanse itself. With a proper, balanced and healthy diet, your kidney, liver and other organs would perform their functions well, and detox diet is no longer necessary.

Detox Diet: the Key to a Healthy Lifestyle

Detox Diet: the Key to a Healthy Lifestyle

Detox, short for detoxification, is the body's natural, ongoing process of neutralizing or eliminating toxins from the body. Toxins are chemically changed into less harmful compounds and flushed out of the body through stools or urine. Detox diet is the method of taking in certain food and drinks with the end purpose of getting rid of toxins from the body for finest health.

In short, it is a diet which detoxifies the body. Detox diets may vary in forms and the substances to ingest. In most of the cases, the food selections are very strict. On the other hand, some are more lenient but then certain drugs are prescribed to assist in the detoxification.

Detoxification is good for the body if done properly and with professional guidance. It is highly recommended that a person who wishes to undertake detox diet must first consult a physician or dietician. This is because detoxification may be harmful to the body if not conducted properly. Sometimes the misuse of a detox diet may produce certain diseases or even malnutrition. But with the proper guidance, detox diet can make a body healthier and stronger.

When a body is detoxified, the toxins are removed from the body through the urine or the stools. When there are less toxins in the body, blood circulation gets better, respiration is stroger, stamina is improved, stress is decreased, and the person himself will feel better.  But the most popular reason why people go for a detox diet is that it is the quickest and safest way to lose weight.

Most detox diets comprise of only fruits, vegetables, and water. Since this sort of diet is very strict, meat, dairy, alcohol, and bread are big no-nos. This allows the body to absorb less calories and carbohydrates. Detoxification also produces the effect of lessening harmful substances in the body like fat and cholesterol.

However, since a deox diet is very strict, it is highly advisable that it only be used for a short period of time. Detox diets are regularly short-term only and this sort of diet is not recommended to be done for a long period of time because it may be a cause of malnutrition. A detox diet is usually low in protein and carbohydrates. Without these, muscle growth and energy is easily diminished.

So, detox diets must only be used for a short-term basis. After following a detox diet many people report having ‘more energy and losing weight quickly’ and given that the diet is so restrictive, it is hardly surprising that you will have lost a few pounds.

However, detoxing is not a weight management solution. Following the detox program will not teach you anything about basic weight management strategies such as portion control or a healthy meal pattern. As a result most people gain weight again and feel just as sluggish as usual once they stop the diet and return to their old eating habits. The real reason that detox diets work in the short-term is because people make a special effort to change their eating habits for a few days.

It stands to reason that if you swap chips and fizzy drinks for fruit and water you will loose weight. Also, if you’re not eating lots of high fat meals, which slow your body down as it tries to digest them, you will have more energy.

Reasons for a Detox Diet

Reasons for a Detox Diet

Maybe you have read a lot of articles discussing detox diets, its efficiency as well as its drawbacks. And because of the many write ups that you have read about it, you are now confused as to whether or not you should try this regimen. Some articles may have written that it is very effective and with just a few days, you will lose several pounds. Some articles, on the other hand, may tell you that this diet is not healthy and it may have some side effects that are not worth the try. What then should you believe?

Perhaps with the right motivation and purpose, the detox diet may really improve your way of living. With just the name of the diet, you are sure to be free from the toxins in your body, and these are the chemicals that are believed to be harmful for your health. Perhaps if you know why and how the detox diet should be properly performed, then you can never go wrong.

Most professionals believe that cleansing your body is a must and this is what a detox diet offers - an overall purification of the body system. Although the body is equipped with organs that are designed to perform filtration for the cleansing of the body, the detox diet can still be performed for assistance and support. However, most professionals also believe that the detoxification should not be performed for a long period.

They suggest that twice a year or once every six months is enough. This is because for them, the detox diet is not really for weight loss. Its goal should really be for the elimination of harmful substances.

Another reason for a detoxification is the attainment of good quality health. A good quality health would refer to what your body can do. Its ability to keep you going and keep you active to attend to your daily activities would mean that it has good quality.

However, nowadays, the value of one’s health is dependent on his lifestyle and on the opinion of others who influence his life. You should always remember that you should take care of your health. You should always keep it running in good condition, because this will take you to where you want to go.

Aging can also be another motivation for you to undergo detoxification. Through a detox diet, toxins are flushed out of your system; and these toxins are the same causes of aging and deterioration. Detoxification is better than taking drugs that claim to prevent aging.

Growing old is a process that everyone has to undergo, and it is an inevitable course; however, you should be able to go through it healthily and with grace. Taking in drugs may only fill your body with more toxins, thus detoxifying is a better option.

You should know your priorities when it comes to your health. And urbanization and commercialization may have caused a lot of people to establish different sets of priorities, but your constant priority should always be your health. For the right reasons, a detox diet is a great way to maintain your health and keep it in good shape.

You will have greater protection against illnesses and diseases because your system is purified and cleansed. With moderation and proper guidance, you can never go wrong with a detox diet.

Getting Started on Your Detox Diet

Getting Started on Your Detox Diet

Detox diet, or what is commonly called as a cleansing diet, is a means of cleansing the body with toxins and chemicals that may potentially harm body tissues. Through this diet, these unwanted toxins are converted into less damaging compounds which can easily be excreted through urination and bowel movement. This technique may be a potential in helping you lose your weight and at the same time guiding you in living a healthier life.

However, when planning to lose weight, there are certain things that you should take into consideration before committing yourself into a diet program. Thus, just like with any other types and forms of diet, anyone on who plans to go on a detox diet should first evaluate the plan properly and seriously weigh on the pros and cons of his diet.

People who should not try a Detox Diet

On the whole, anyone who opts to try this diet should first seek advice from his physician. He should at least be given an overview of the possible outcome as well as the side effects that he may experience during the program. A proper assessment of the program, by the individual together with his professional care provider, would prevent serious illnesses that may transpire as a consequence of the diet.

More important to note is the fact that people who are in a delicate phase of their lives, like children or pregnant women, are not advised to attempt this dietary plan. People who are diagnosed with serious illnesses and chronic conditions such as cancer or genetic diseases should likewise refrain from trying the detox diet.

Their conditions are considered as very mild and thus, it would be better if they choose another diet plan. Or, if they also wish to try this type of diet, they should do so under the care and supervision of their primary caregiver.

Selecting the Proper Method

The detox diet may be done in several ways, and it is important that the proper method of cleansing is chosen and selected by the individual. The diet plan may be in a form of a special diet, or it may be done by ingesting herbs or taking supplements, or even as simple as a hydrotherapy. The program may also be the performance of simple exercises or some breathing techniques. And the extreme forms of this therapy may involve colon hydrotherapy, liver flush and chelation.

Among these techniques, a gentle detox diet plan is the most common suggestion of practitioners. This diet plan should be enough to target the organs of the body like the kidney, liver and colon. These are the organs that take part in the detoxification of our entire system. If you wish to avail of this diet plan, you may even ask a practitioner to make a plan especially for you.

Frequency of Detoxification

Detox diet is not recommended for long term duration. Practitioners suggest that the detoxification be done only once or twice a year as prevention to diseases and improvement of health. However, in some instances, the duration of the diet may be lengthened or the frequency may be increased, depending on the advice of the practitioner. The bottom line still is that this diet should not be done without supervision of experts.

These are just some of the things that you may want to reflect on before you start your detox diet. You should keep in mind that the diet should make you healthier, and it should not endanger your health. Thus, you should always consult your physician before starting on a diet.

Facts about Detox Diets

Facts about Detox Diets

Detox diets are designed to clean out your system. If you are considering this method, here are a few facts you should know.

First, detox diet programs are  not designed to help you lose weight but merely helps cleanse your system. For the next few days, you will have to give up certain foods and take some laxatives to help clean out the intestine and liver.

During that time, you will eat lots of fruits and vegetables. In most cases, these are unprocessed and raw since cooking will remove essential minerals and vitamins. People who are able to successfully complete the program say they feel healthier and have increased levels of energy.

Detox diets are not recommended for people with certain health conditions especially patients suffering from diabetes, eating disorders, heart disease and other chronic conditions. This should also not be done by pregnant or nursing mothers.

Teenagers should not also try the detox diet because this will rob them of vitamins and minerals which are important for their rapid growth and development.

Detox diets should only be done once or twice a year because it can become addicting. Some have compared regular detox diets to smoking or drugs where it is hard to give up and this could lead to health programs like eating disorders, heart condition or even death.

If you think going on a detox diet does not have side effects, think again because there are a few namely acne, headaches, fatigue, hunger and irritability.

You may also experience these when you decide to take detox supplements as most of the ingredients are actually laxatives. This means going to the bathroom frequently and as we all know, this could be messy. When this happens, you should drink lots of liquid to prevent dehydration, mineral imbalances or any other problems associated with the digestive system.

Since the detox diet will only last several days, you may feel that you lose weight but in reality, you only lost water and some muscle. You will regain what you lost when you end the program and begin eating regular food.

There have not been any studies which prove the effectiveness of the detox diet. In fact, there is no evidence which proves that such toxins were removed especially when your liver and kidneys are working properly even way before you started the program since you are able to excrete urine and stool regularly.

As you can see, there are some positive and negative statements when it comes to detox diets. Now that you know what these are, you can decide for yourself whether this is something you want to try or not. Don’t forget to consult your doctor should you decide to go through with it because like it was mentioned before, there are certain people who should not try it based on their age and health condition.

Just remember that aside from using this method, the body has a natural way of doing it so you can let nature take care of it or force it out of your system. There are also other diet programs aside from the detox diet that can do some good even if there is not guarantee that what worked for someone you know will also have the same effect on you.

Do You Need a Detox Diet

Do You Need a Detox Diet

Since the body is unable to  absorb harmful toxins, it accumulates thus making it harmful to our overall well being. To prevent things from getting worse, people are advised to go on a detox diet.

The detox diet is designed to remove these toxins through your urine or waste. In fact, there are many programs and it may require you either to drink lots of liquid or to eat food rich in fiber. Some individuals may even use supplements like psyllium husk, vitamins, minerals, and medicinal plants. Exercise is also recommended since sweating is another way to release these toxins.

People who have never tried a detox diet will feel bad when they try this for the first time. Naturopaths say this is normal since the toxins inside are released and these flood the body causing malaise. If you are able to make it through the program, these toxins will be flushed out leaving you with healthier looking skin, a nourished body and greater sense of well being.

Not everyone can go on a detox diet. These include people are who pregnant, children and those who have been diagnosed with cancer and other diseases. To be sure that it is safe, consult your doctor.

While there are no studies which prove the effectiveness of detox diets, it wouldn’t hurt to try especially if you eat a high fat and sugar diet, smoke, drink or take drugs. If you are not into these vices but experience aches and pains, behavioral problems, fatigue, irritability, skin problems and stress, then again you should make some changes.

Do you need a detox diet? That is one question only you can answer after you looking at yourself in the mirror or after getting the results of your latest medical checkup. The good thing about this method is that it tells you that there is room for improvement in your overall health and well-being.

If you are not into the various detox diets available, another option will be to do it the natural way since the human body has ways to eliminate these harmful toxins namely the livers and the kidneys. But if your kidneys and liver are not functioning at normal levels, this is probably the best alternative.

Prevention is key which is why as you grow older, you should always watch what you eat and drink because it is in your hands what you decide to let into your body. You should also combine a healthy diet with exercise as it increases your metabolism and makes you sweat.

What makes the detox diet different from other programs around is that this is only for the short term. After a few days, you can go back to your normal routine since you will not be able to get all the nutrients you need based on the food or drink that is included in the program especially calcium and protein.

But if you do that, that means these harmful toxins will build up again and you will have to start over. If you are smart and you learned you lesson, you will know that some changes will need to be made even if they do not happen overnight.

Remember, the detox diet is not the only option you have to improve your lifestyle.

Detox Diet: Things You Need to Know

Detox Diet: Things You Need to Know

With the increase in the number of people who are turning to diets and treatments to purge their bodies of harmful substances that may cause damage to their bodies, a lot of dietitians and healers have also came out to claim that they can provide what these people are looking for. Perhaps the detoxification and the flushing out of these unwanted substances from your body is really a good idea, because then you may feel better and feel healthier. But when really is the right time to commit yourself into this kind of cleansing? When is the proper time to undergo a detox diet?

Studies show that if you are the type of person who wants to lose weight in an instant, then you may try the detox diet. This diet may consist of just drinking a concoction of lemons and other herbs in lieu of your meals for several days. Thus, as a result, you are like fasting for several days. Who would not lose weight if they only ingest juices and liquids? Within a few days, you surely will lose a few pounds and your curves may be more visible than ever.

However, many professionals believe that the detox diet should not be continued for more than three days. This is because you may actually deprive yourself of other vitamins and nutrients because you are not eating a balanced meal. If you really feel like trying this diet, you may want to ask for supervision of your physician or other health professionals.

You are Equipped

You really do not need to starve yourself to cleanse your body. You should know that your body is designed and equipped with organs that perform the filtration for your body. This is the reason why every now and then, you find yourself frequenting the comfort rooms. You may think that your organs would need a little help from you, so you want to go on with the detox diet. But this is just a myth.

If you are healthy, your organs should be well enough to perform their functions well. If you really want to give a hand to your organs, you may want to avoid drinking too much alcohol, or smoking too much nicotine. Or in short, you may want to change your way of living.

You Have Your Reasons

A well-planned detox diet can be helpful to your health, as believed by some professionals. They emphasize on the correctness of the method to be used and the suitability of such method to the dieter’s health condition. If you are someone who is willing to try detoxification, your reasons should be the right one.

Many professionals believe that detoxification is not really a proper technique to lose weight. Its goal should really be the elimination of toxins. This is why they do not recommend this regimen to last for more than three days. Thus, if you want to try this diet because you have heard that your favorite stars have used this therapy to lose weight, then this diet will not work for you.

So, you may want to think twice before committing yourself into this kind of program. Though it may seem easy and fast, it is not as convenient as expected. The effects are just temporary and you may even endanger your health if you are not properly supervised by professionals.

Before undergoing a detox diet, you should learn all the things you need to know. 

Why Should You Try Eating Food Raw As Part of Your Detox Diet

Why Should You Try Eating Food Raw As Part of Your Detox Diet

Are you concerned about your health? Chances are you will say yes but are you really doing anything about it? If you want to remove those toxins that are collecting in your system, one method you can try is known as the Raw Food Detox Diet.

The Raw Food Detox Diet happens to be one of the most popular diets around. This is because while many will only let you lose weight, none of them are specifically designed to help you get rid of these harmful toxins.

But why eat raw food when you can cook it ? This is because when food is prepared and then cooked, some of the nutrients and vitamins which are also important for the body are lost.

What is even more astonishing is the fact that when it is cooked, you changed its natural state. Thus, new chemicals are created and the natural enzymes are destroyed.

When you take it out of the pan and put it on your plate, it somehow slows your metabolism and impedes certain primary functions of the body  especially the flushing and detox functions of the organs.

If this does not yet convince you that eating raw food is much better than cooked ones, note that the raw food diet boosts your immune system, may help decrease or increase weight and again, detoxifies your body.

Compared to an average meal consisting of animal flesh which normally takes 8 hours to digest, the only thing it gives you is energy to burn what you ate and nothing else.

It may a significant change for you to eat food raw when you are used to eating it cooked. This is why the switch should be done gradually like having a quarter of the food cooked while the remainder is raw. Who knows? You may like to eat raw food that will give you the complete nutritional value found in each one.

The detox diet consisting of raw fruits and vegetables only lasts a few days. When it is all over, you can go back to eating other solid foods including fish, chicken and meat. You may even want to mix a few raw dishes sometimes like sushi which is also great to eat.

Before you start eating raw food, you have to prepare yourself both physically and mentally for what is about to happen next. You can prepare physically by starting an exercise routine and cutting down on certain food and then substituting it with beans, organic fruits and vegetables.

Although detox diets are generally safe, it will still be a good idea to consult your doctor because you could be one of those individuals that are not cut out for the program.

People who should not try the detox diet in any form include pregnant or nursing mothers, those who have just undergone surgery and individuals that have been diagnosed with certain medical conditions. If you insist on trying it, make sure that this is being done under medical supervision.

Eating food raw may be different but it is one way to get all the essentials you need to detoxify your system. Will it be challenging? Yes during the first day since there is a lot of adjustment involved but if you are able to stick to it, then you will surely feel good thereafter.

Why Detox Diet Is Good For Your Gastrointestinal Tract?

Why Detox Diet Is Good For Your Gastrointestinal Tract? 

Everyday, plenty of toxins and unnecessary substances enters into our body particularly through the gastrointestinal tract. The gastrointestinal tract is composed of the mouth, teeth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and the large intestine.

Digestive organs like the salivary glands, pancreas, gall bladder, mucous glands, and liver are also part of the gastrointestinal tract. In the book, "The New Detox Diet," Elson M. Haas and Daniella Chace it was mentioned that the absorption of most nutrients happens in the small intestine. The colon assimilates water while the bile salts.

Minor disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract may cause abnormal absorption of nutrients and increased barrier permeability. One of the best ways to get rid of toxins and unnecessary substances in the body is through detox diet.

But what are these toxins and unnecessary substances that are harmful to your gastrointestinal tract?

The GI tract are adversely affected by refined foods and sugar; excess fatty and rich foods; overeating and failing to chew more than once or twice per mouthful of food; drinking too much; food chemicals, pesticides, and environmental toxins; persistent use of alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine; use of prescription, over-the-counter, and recreational drugs; lack of fiber and whole foods, specifically lacking fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes in the diet.

Detox diet aids in healing ulcerations and other tissue problems in your body. It also helps in maintaining the tone and shape of your small and large intestines. Detox diet maintains the PH balance and eliminates bad bacteria like candida and harmful yeasts. What many people don’t know is that even minor metabolism disruption like constipation if unguarded can lead to a big threat in your health. Constipation also causes stress and discomfort and limited physical activity. This is why regular elimination is very crucial to overall health and maintaining the level of toxins in the body.

One way of detoxification is eating fiber rich foods and increasing water intakes. A special type of herb called dandelion root is one of the popular medicinal plants that aids detoxification. It is a natural diuretic that increases urine production by propping up the excretion of salts and water from the kidney.

The Chinese uses this herb in treating digestive disorders and appendicitis. Dandelion now already comes in the form of teas. However, extra precaution must be taken in taking this herb as it may increase stomach acid and heartburn. Patients with gallbladder and gallstones are also prohibited to take this herb.

Aside from drinking teas and water, you may also try drinking fresh fruit juices to detoxify. But taking this detox diet is more effective if you would also cut down intakes of meat and fatty foods and other foods and chemicals that adversely affects the function of your gastrointestinal tract. It is very important to plan your meal when in a detox diet. It can be a little tricky particularly because being in this diet makes you feel hungry and overdoing can cause you hyperacidity.

Another important factor to consider in undergoing a detox diet is your present weight and PH balance. It is best to consult an expert before taking a detox diet. 

What You Should Know About the Master Cleanse Detox Diet

What You Should Know About the Master Cleanse Detox Diet

For years, people have been raving about diets that are designed to help you lose weight. A handful of them do more than that because these are also known to cleanse your systems. Such programs are better known as detox diets.

Detox diets have been around for quite some time. One example is the Master Cleanse Detox Diet also known as the Lemonade Diet which gained popularity in 1976. It made a comeback in 2005 and this is what you should know about this diet plan.

Anyone who wants to try this type of detox diet can do it because the steps are very simple. Simply put, you stop eating and start drinking.

Instead of drinking a concoction made from fruits or vegetables, you will be drinking a quart of salt water solution and then proceed further with six to twelve 8oz glasses of a homemade lemonade concoction.

The lemonade concoction consists of freshly squeezed lemons and water, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup. Why these ingredients? Because studies have shown that lemon juice can dissolve waste built-up in the colon. Cayenne pepper helps get rid the body of mucus while maple syrup is to give you energy.

Part of the program requires that you drink an herbal tea laxative. This is used to aid the elimination process so the toxins can excrete in the form of urine or waste.

For this to work, it is recommended that this should be done for 10 days. If you want to extend it, make sure that you stick to it for a maximum of 20 days. A week before you begin, try reducing your food intake so your body will be able to prepare itself for next phase of the dietary program.

You may experience some side effects which are normal when you try this type of detox diet. Some of these include anal itching, diarrhea, cramping, constipation and nausea. If you feel bad, don’t push any further and just stop. There are other ways to clean yours system and this approach is not the best way to do it.

One thing you are sure to lose when you try the Master Cleanse Detox Diet is your weight. This is because what you drink does have any calories and it also lacks micro-nutrients. This is also the reason why it is only good for the short term when we all know that the only way to keep our body functioning properly is by eating a balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, fish, chicken and meat.

If you are considered to be physically fit by your doctor, there should not be any problems in trying the Cleanse Detox Diet. However, if you have health problems or are taking any prescribed medication, proceed with caution.

Once you finish the program, gradually return to solid food so you are able to replenish the stores of minerals and vitamins that are not found in the concoction. After all, we are used to eating this more than anything else.

The Master Cleanse Detox Diet is just one of many that you can try if you want to clean your system and maybe even lose some weight along the way. If you want to try it, make sure you get clearance from your doctor and have all the ingredients you need.

What is a Juice Detox Diet

What is a Juice Detox Diet

There are many types of detox diets. If you don’t to chew it, you can try drinking it using what is known as Juice Fast.

Juice Fast is a short term detox diet consisting of raw fruits and vegetables. It is considered by many as an extreme form of detoxification since you will not eat any solid food but you can drink water during certain periods.

When we say that the Juice Fast diet is only for the short term, it should only last for 1 to 3 days. If you want to continue with it, you are advised to have a medical professional on hand to make sure that you are still getting the right amounts of nutrients.

A lot of people who have tried Juice Fast recommend that this should be done during the warmer months of the year.

A week before you start the program, you are already advised to reduce eating certain foods such as animal meat, eggs, fish and wheat. You should also reduce the intake of alcohol, coffee and tea. This is the preparation phase of the program and whatever you reduce should be substituted with beans, organic fruits and vegetables.

When you begin Juice Fast for a day or three days, you should drink between 32 and 64 ounces of juice. Naturally, you don’t have to drink this all at once since you have to balance this out through the day.

So you don’t get tired of drink the juice, mix it up a bit with various fruits and vegetables such as apple, beet, cabbage, celery, cranberry, greens, pineapple and spinach. Never mix citrus fruits with it. At the same time, make sure you drink at least 6 glasses of water for the duration of the fasting.

The fruits you use for the fast should be organic as these don’t have any harmful chemicals when these are planted and harvested. If organic produce is not available, you will have to peel off the skin or wash these first before mixing.

There are certain side effects which you may experience when you try the juice fast diet. Some of the common ones include acne, bad breath, body odor, constipation, fatigue, headaches and hypoglycemia.

At times, you may also experience diarrhea, dizziness, heart arrhythmias, hunger, kidney problems, low blood pressure and vomiting. If it should happen, you are advised to stop the program and seek medical help.

Not everyone can try the Juice Fast detox diet. These include women that are pregnant or are nursing.

You should not also try it if you happen to have addictions, suffer from anemia, diabetes, low blood sugar, any eating disorders, kidney disease, liver disease, malnutrition, have impaired immune function, infections, nutritional deficiency, low blood pressure, ulcerative colitis, cancer, terminal illness, epilepsy, other chronic conditions and are underweight.

Patients who have just had surgical procedures should also not try it so their bodies will have time to heal.

If you are taking certain medication, you should also consult your doctor before trying the juice fast diet because it will reduce blood proteins and may have an effect on the way the drugs react in your body.

The Juice Fast Detox Diet may be what you need to cleanse your system. So see a doctor and find out if such a program is feasible for you.

What is A Detox Diet

What is A Detox Diet

What is a detox diet? It is a method which helps remove dangerous toxins inside our body for optimum health.

There are many types of detox diets around. You can do this by mixing some chemicals together, eating raw food, fruits and vegetables which are all designed to increase the frequency of your bowel movements and urination. Before you try any, it is best to consult your doctor.

You might not buy this if you don’t feel anything wrong but studies suggest that something will go wrong eventually when there is a build up of these harmful chemicals in your body.

Most of us only take action when we experience a hormonal imbalance, impaired immune function, nutritional deficiency and an inefficient metabolism but why wait when prevention is the best defense against any problem.

In fact, this is the common mistake of a lot of people who decide to visit the doctor only when they don’t feel so good.

The detox diet has a lot of benefits aside from expelling harmful chemicals. It also improves your concentration, digestion and energy. If you like at your body, you will even notice that you have clearer skin.

One thing you should know when you decide to start a detox diet is that there are side effects. The most common happens to be the common headache which occurs during the first few days especially if you regularly drink coffee. You can control this by reducing the amount of caffeine you drink until you no longer consume it.

Another side effect is diarrhea that if untreated, can lead to dehydration and electrolyte loss. The opposite may also happen which is constipation. You can prevent both from happening by drinking lots of fluid. Other side effects associated with a detox diet are acne, fatigue, hunger, irritability and weight loss.

There are a few things people should keep in mind about a detox diet. 

First, not everyone can go on a detox diet and this includes pregnant or nursing women as well as children.

If you are diagnosed with anemia, any eating disorder, autoimmune disease, cancer, terminal illness, certain genetic diseases, diabetes, kidney disease, thyroid disease, and other chronic conditions you should only try this diet under the supervision of their primary care provider.

The detox diet is short term because if this is done for a long period of time, it may result in nutrient deficiencies specifically protein deficiency which is why this should only be done once or twice a year.

For those who are taking medication, you should still continue to take them unless this is advised by your doctor.

Once the detox diet is over, you can go back to your old diet with a few changes like eating more fruits and vegetables.

The detox diet is quite new and even if there is little or no evidence that it works, there are people willing to try it if they believe that this can be good for them.

Now that you know what a detox diet is, you can make up your mind whether you want to try this on yourself or not. Before you do it, consult first a doctor to check your overall health condition so you can be sure that it is safe for you.

What Dishes Can You Have on a Typical Detox Diet

What Dishes Can You Have on a Typical Detox Diet

You may already have an idea what a detox diet is but are you ready to go through with it? There are so many vegetables and fruits which you can eat for the next few days and to give you an idea, here is a typical meal.

They say that breakfast is a very important meal of the day so it is best not to skip it. Your detox diet plan is best served by having two glasses of water with one mixed with some lemon.

If you can’t live in drinking something until the next meal, have a piece of fresh fruit. A few options are an apple, banana or a pear. Just make sure you chew it well mixing each bite with saliva.

Another breakfast option for your detox diet will be to have a bowl of cooked whole grains. If it tastes bland, mix it with two tablespoons of fruit juice.

A few hours later, it is time to have lunch. You can have one or two bowls of steamed vegetables again with some water. If you love to cook, you surely know that some vegetables can be mixed together.

There is not that much difference in serving either lunch or dinner. You just have to make some variations so it is something different and that it will taste just as good until morning.

What you served yourself during breakfast and lunch may make you feeling hungry in between. When this happens, don’t starve yourself and instead have a snack. You may have apple juice diluted with water, carrot or celery sticks, vegetable broth and water.

As you can see, there are no desserts as part of this detox diet. To help you relax and get you ready for bed, you can have herbal tea like chamomile or peppermint.

This type of detox diet is not as extreme compared to other types of programs available like Juice Fast Detox Diet or Master Cleanse Detox Diet. Since it is something you are not used to, you may experience a little weak during the first 2 days and even experience a headache, nausea and frequent trips to the bathroom but this is known to pass.

Since our bodies are able to adapt, you will begin to feel better on day 3 or 4 especially if you plan to do this for the next 10 or 20 days. If there is no improvement and the side effects get worse, try having something you are used to eating during your snack like chicken, fish or some beans. The other option is to stop the detox diet because it is doing more harm than good.

The detox diet can do a lot of for you only if you give it a chance. Since you are gambling with your overall well being here, make sure you have yourself checked first by the doctor before trying it. If you are cleared, do some research about what types of detox plans are out there then decide which one is right for you.

As mentioned before, some of the detox diets are pretty extreme but but all of these have the same objective and that is to expel harmful toxins. It is not going to be easy and like the saying goes, “no pain, no gain.”

Three Day Detox Diet

Three Day Detox Diet

The human body is like a car because harmful deposits pile up and it may soon cause damage to your well being. If you want to clean your system as soon as possible, one method you can try is the three day detox diet.

For the next three days, you will only eat either fruits or vegetables. These should be eaten raw so forget about cooking it.

At the same time, you should forget about drinking coffee, tea or sodas and only have water or juice that is freshly squeezed.

So you won’t feel hungry, plan your menu so you know what to serve for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you think these do not taste good, just keep an open mind and who know? You might get to like it.

In each meal, don’t just stick with one variant but mix others as well as this will ensure that you get the right amount of nutrients. Since you will need some protein, add some nuts and sprouting beans if you have them in the kitchen.

One example will be to include a cup of whole grains like brown rice together with buckwheat and  amaranth. You can surely mix this with some servings of fruits and vegetables. If you have never tried this before, it wouldn’t hurt to eat one of these raw.

Another example will be to make a salad. If you want to add salad dressing, use either natural oils or vinegar. Examples of natural oil include coconut virgin oil, fish oil or olive oil.

There are other recipes you can make aside from the two mentioned so do some research or bring out one of your old cookbooks.

In addition to eating fruits and vegetables, you will also have to take 2 doses of kidney and liver tonic. You can make this at home by mixing two cups of dandelion, a clove of fresh garlic, chamomile or fennel tea. A few other concoctions include drinking pure vegetable juice like carrot or beetroot, a medium bunch of black grapes, or two cups of parsley or yellow tea.

Water is very important in the detox diet so make sure you drink lots of it for the next 3 days. If you have some fruits at home, put them in the juicer which is a good substitute for your water intake. The objective of keeping yourself hydrated is to help you flush out the toxins through your urine or waste.

Any diet you will ever hear about will tell you that this should always be combined with an exercise program. Something light which you can start doing is walking for about 20 to 30 minutes. This should help increase your metabolism, work up a sweat and give you increased levels of energy.

After about three days, you can now go back to your regular diet. Did you really expel those toxins out of your system? That is very hard to say because scientists don’t have a clue whether this actually happened or not.

Some say that you should do this monthly as a way to regulate the toxins but if you want to find a long term solution rather than a quick fix, make some lifestyle changes because this is much better than a three day detox diet.

The Dangers of a Detox Diet

The Dangers of a Detox Diet

The detox diet is a weight loss regimen wherein the person who wishes to lose several pounds is programmed to drink lots of liquid and eat lots of vegetables and fruits, all in lieu of solid foods. Because of its dramatic effects, this diet has become well-known in the field of weight loss.

Most people who have tried this course of therapy have reported significant changes in their body in just a few days. However, despite its popularity, some healthcare professionals have suggested that detox diet should be avoided, if possible.

Critics believe that detox therapy is a very extreme diet which may lead to serious side effects, if not properly performed. They say that the mechanics of the detox diet was not based on scientific facts, and at the most, they are called “junk science.” Dietitians think that this diet offers a temporary change in an individual’s weight, but the effects will not last that long. Soon enough, those who have tried this diet will eventually go back to their normal way of eating, and their body weight will return back to original.

The detox diet is believed to be an answer to the fact that our body should be protected from toxins which may be harmful to our health. This belief is contradicted by some dietitians and medical practitioners. Most of them think that the body is already equipped with internal systems that may protect itself from harmful toxins – these are the body’s liver, kidney and gastrointestinal tracts. They said that as long as these organs function well, there is really no need for a detox diet.

One thing that some opposing dietitians agree with the proponents of the detox diet is the idea that an individual should consume enough liquids and fruits and vegetables. Since a lot of people may have seem to have forgotten the importance of water and vegetables, the detox diet may be a way to remind them of the basics. However, they remain unbelievers of this regimen because the diet is so restrictive that it becomes ineffective for long-standing use; and to add to this, they said that the result is only fleeting.

The effects of the diet may be seen even after a few days into the therapy; however the body will soon gain weight with just the same short amount of time. The short duration of the effects of the strict diet, as many professionals believe, may not be worth all the hardships. Some people who have tried the detox diet have reported that the first few days of their first trial were tough like hell.

They felt very irritable and they experienced severe headaches. Perhaps, it was in their second or other succeeding attempts that they have experienced the euphoria that the diet lets the people feel. Dietitians explain this ecstatic feeling as the body’s coping mechanism against starvation.

People who oppose this diet contend that a healthy young woman or man may endure the harsh routine for quite some time. However, not everyone may be in a good condition to hold out to the diet. Some groups of people may go through unfavorable effects caused by such restrictive diet. Very young children, weak teenagers, pregnant or breastfeeding mothers, the elders and those people who have heart ailments and other chronic conditions should refrain from this kind of diet. Their conditions leave them susceptible to intestinal and cardiac problems which may result from malnutrition.

In summary, most dietitians and healthcare providers believe that going through a detox diet is a tough decision that one must reflect on before really making it. A lot of things are to be considered, and the most important of these considerations is his health. No one should risk putting his health into risk just to lose weight in the shortest possible time.

Extreme diets, such as the detox diet, should be the last option for there are other healthier alternatives to choose from.

The Appeal of a Lemon Detox Diet

The Appeal of a Lemon Detox Diet

If you are a person who is in search of a detox method that is simple yet fast and effective, then you may want to try the lemon detox diet. With this diet, a blend of syrup from organic trees and the juice of a fresh lemon is drank by a dieter. Oftentimes, the syrup is a concoction of palm and maple syrups. Such mixture is definitely a source of balanced minerals and vitamins for every individual.

As the name implies, this diet will surely help you get rid of those unhealthy toxins and compounds from your body. And though it is not the ultimate goal, sometimes, weight loss is even obtained because of this diet. And as the body is detoxified, its system is treated and left healthier than before.

Because the diet may require the dieter t to cut back with solid foods, the body may get the energy it needs to get through its regular activities from the natural sugars of the syrup. These natural sugars help the body hold back hunger which it may experience because of the restricted diet. With just one glass of the blended drink, approximately 70 calories is absorbed by the body, together with zinc and calcium. All these elements are taken in by the body in the right amount as considered necessary for an individual.

The program may continue for several days wherein a person only takes in the blended drink together with a prescribed medication to assist the ingestion during the diet period. Dieters are still active because of the energy that they get from the drink. However, as the toxins are flushed out from the system of the dieter, he may feel a little dizzy or light-headed. To be able to increase the blood flow and accelerate the discharge of these unwanted substances from the body; many dietitians suggest that the diet should be accompanied by simple exercises.

After refraining from solid foods for a few days, it is advisable to gradually go back to the normal eating habit. The resumption should not be abrupt because it may seriously harm the body. Slowly integrate soft foods into your diet in addition to the liquids and the fruits that you are eating for the past few days.

Then, if you are well-adjusted, then you may eat solid foods moderately. The intense fasting may be too harsh for the system, thus it is best to proceed with the diet with the supervision of physicians and professional health providers.

As believed, the lemon detox diet can offer dietary support even if it lacks proof that can show unpleasant long-term effects for the body. Today’s researches that lay down the advantages and disadvantages of the diet are very much effective for the better understanding of this regimen. If you are planning to embark on this program, you should allot a time to discuss the matter with your doctor so that you may be properly advised if this treatment will be beneficial for your condition.

The lemon detox diet is very appealing, especially to those who are not well-informed regarding the matter. To those who do not have enough knowledge regarding this kind of diet, they may see it as their hope to lose weight.

But to those who are into this diet for the right reasons, they know that this diet is more of a purification of their system, so that they can become healthier and they are more protected against substances that may harm their fitness.

Recommended Meal Plan After Detox Diet

Recommended Meal Plan After Detox Diet 

Now that you have successfully finished your detox diet, you are now facing the challenge of starting to eat healthy and practice balanced meals. You must maintain same discipline you had during your detox program, which includes battling against the lure of your favorite foods like chocolates.

There are some cookbooks that offers recipes however, majority of the recipes are low protein and low calories diet. That won’t sustain the energies you needed at work and strictly following them might lead you to diet problems.

Some people opt to return to their usual diet plan excluding excess in fatty foods and other unhealthy food items. They start the first day after detox program with drinking two glasses of water to eliminate toxic residue in the body. Actually, the habit of drinking two glasses before breakfast meal in the morning is one effective diet plan you can take to maintain the level of toxicity you just achieved.

Whole grain cereal and fresh fruits are also excellent breakfast foods. For lunch, eating green leafy vegetable salads for protein is a good choice. You might also add any poultry meat or seafood. If you wish to add calories, you can try eating rice cakes.

Opt for less starchy foods on dinnertime as your body is preparing for rest and you won’t need too much calories anymore. Vegetables and a light protein source are ideal for your dinner meal. Always remember to choose organic foods.

A healthy meal plan knows what ere the fruits and vegetables in season and incorporates in your daily meal plan rather than picking what is just in the store. If your regular meal is eating out, you might find it hard to stick on a healthy diet. Browse through local foodshops and learn what the healthy food choices in their menu are and take note of them. In that way, the moment you stomach growls for hunger, you are sure that what you are picking are just healthy and well-balanced meal.

Example After Detox Meal Plan from the book The New Detox Diet by Elson M. Haas and Daniella Chace

Day One: 

Fruit and/or fruit juice: Organic Apple
Breakfast: Hot Breakfast Quinoa
Lunch: White Bean Salad and Fresh Harvest Juice
Snack: Cold Almonds
Dinner: Salmon with Roasted Garlic and Rosemary
Treat: Juice Jells

Fruit and/or fruit juice: Organic Grapes
Breakfast: Baked Apple
Lunch:  Herbed Soup
Snack: Cottonwood Pea Hummus
Dinner: Kombu Squash Soup
Treat: Fresh fruit or smoothie of your choice

Fruit and/or fruit juice: Grapefruit
Breakfast: Basic Breakfast Steel Cut Oats
Lunch: Jicama Salad or Gazpacho
Snack: Kombu Nuts
Dinner:  Glazed Broccoli and Lentil Stew
Treat: Pears in Black Cherry Sauce

Avoid foods that will hurt your efforts like starchy and baked foods; processed foods like burgers, hotdogs, sausages and canned corned beef; salted nuts, carbonated drinks (both diet and sugar), sauces like mayonnaise, store-bought salad dressing and pickles; and coffee.

Adjusting your diet after detox is actually easy. Some detox dieters experienced caffeine withdrawal after the program. This is quite expected, after the body has eliminated unhealthy substances, your food cravings tend to start anew. Some dieters experience permanent weight loss after a detox diet.

This is not anymore surprising. It just means that the body has fully adjusted to the healthier eating habit. 

Recommendations For Detox Diet Books

Recommendations For Detox Diet Books

Given the proper guidance, your body has the power to heal itself and eliminate unnecessary wastes. Here are some of the detox diet books that will inspire, guide you and be your references towards a healthy and well nourished body:

1. “The Raw Food Detox Diet: The Five-Step Plan for Vibrant Health and Maximum Weight Loss” by Natalia Rose 

Author and certified clinical nutritionist, Natalia Rose published this book in May, 2005. “The Raw Food Detox Diet” is her first published book which provides simple, proven five-level diet plan to safely make the transition to eating raw foods, and to detoxify and achieve a perfect body. Many people are curious on how to make the transition from their current diet and giving up their lifestyle to eating raw foods.

According to Natalia Rose, raw food helps to detoxify the body by flushing out toxins and unnecessary substances and setting back your body on a course toward greater energy, clearer skin and natural figure. The book suggests you to make a gentle change based on your previous diet and needs. It does not require you to conform to the diet rather the diet conforms to you.

2. “21 Pounds in 21 Days: The Martha’s Vineyard Diet Detox” by Roni DeLuz and James Hester 

Dr Roni Deluz, RN, ND, PhD is a traditional naturopathic doctor and founder of Martha’s Vineyard Diet Detox. In 1997, she opened the Martha’s Vineyard Holistic Retreat which offers retreat vacation packages for clients to experience a peacefiul, private, holistic environment for natural healing and detoxification. James Hester on the other hand, has worked in Martha’s Holistic Retreat with Roni DeLuz since 2003.

He has successfully lost thirty pounds using the DeLuz’s diet plan. The book 21 Pounds in 21 Days offers three different detox programs, including the 21-day “MasterFast” which promises a 21-pound weight loss in just three weeks. This diet program focuses on elimination of toxins through antioxidants, fasting, stress reduction, and lifestyle changes.

3. “The Essential Green You: Easy Ways to Detox Your Diet, Your Body, Your Life” by Deirdre Imus

Author Deirdre Imus is the founder and head of the Deirdre Imus Environmental Center for Pediatric Oncology which conducts studies on possible links between cancers and environmental hazards. She has shown concerns over the chemicals used in commercial cleaning products in her previously published book “Greening Your Cleaning.” The book “The Essential Green You” is the third book she has published.

The book provides practical and helpful information on how to transform your diet, like eating more organic foods. She has also emphasized in the book the importance of holistic and natural medical treatments. Deirdre Imus is bold enough to name some of the product brands to avoid as they contain untested chemicals which have the big possibility of harming our health.

4. “The Seasonal Detox Diet Remedies from the Ancient Cookfire” by Carrie L’Esperance 

This book provides readers a program using vegetarian recipes designed around seasonal changes and geared toward individual health concerns. Author Carrie L’Esperance emphasizes on dietary alteration rather than abstinence. Her recipes are designed in line with seasonal changes and geared toward addressing health concerns like stress, fatigue, digestive disturbances, and rapid weight gain.

Detox diet recipes in the book includes “Banana Coconut Ice Cream” and “Japanese Soba Noodles with Sesame Miso Sauce.” Also included in the book are instructions for healing herbal baths and cleansers.

Raw Food Diet: A Detox Diet Plan

Raw Food Diet: A Detox Diet Plan

A diet that allows you to cleanse your body is called a detox diet. Through detoxification, toxins, chemicals, and other unwanted compounds are flushed out from the body. Thus, this diet aims to target the cleansing of the liver, which is an important internal organ in purification of our body system.

The proponents of this diet believe that through time, the liver is congested thus it becomes difficult for the liver to perform its functions well. By cleansing the liver, the filtration system of the whole body operates better thus the entire body is purified.

There are a lot of ways to perform a detox diet. Some of them can be a very mild and simple routine, while others are very strict and intense regimen. In choosing the right detox regimen for you, you should be able to analyze your capability as well as your discipline in following plans. As you well know, diets work well for people who are able to control themselves, and for those who are really determined to succeed in their endeavor. One example of a detox routine that you may want to try is the raw food detox diet.

In a raw food detox diet, the dieters are required to eat whole, fresh, and unprocessed foods that are not hard on a person’s digestive system. Simultaneously, this kind of diet will begin to purify the liver and maintain the body. Choices of foods for their meals are restricted to those which are not artificially grown and only uncontaminated and untreated ingredients must be used.

The Chinese regard herbs as very useful for treatment of several illnesses. This is why most of their teas are made from the finest herbs, which according to their belief may help in the detoxification of their body. This is the reason why herbs are very much integrated as part of the raw food diet.

If you are interested to try this diet, you should at least have an idea of what are its common guidelines. First of all, since this is a detox diet, you should bear in mind that your ultimate goal is to eliminate unhealthy toxins from your body. Thus, you should refrain from taking in certain unhealthy substances, such as caffeine, alcohol and nicotine. In addition to this, you should always drink purified water and natural fruit juices.

And, though this diet requires you to eat “raw” foods, you should take note of the foods that re not be eaten raw, such as poultry, beef and egg. What you should focus on eating are the fresh vegetables, fruits, as well as the quality fish products. And since meats are excluded from the diet, raw nuts should be good substitutes as sources of protein for the whole duration of the diet.

If you are following a milder detox diet, then you should not expect great distress. However, as you try a more intense regimen, greater effects are to be experienced. Dehydration may be acquired, thus in order to prevent this from happening, you should always remember to drink plenty of water. You should always remember that although you think that you can carefully follow a raw food detox diet, there is always a chance of experiencing side effects.

Therefore, it would be wiser to consult first with a medical professional before changing your eating habits. Your paramount consideration should always be your health. 

Master Cleanse: The Lemon Detox Diet

Master Cleanse: The Lemon Detox Diet

The lemon detox diet, or what is commonly known as the master cleanse, is a form of a detoxification regimen. Several Hollywood stars have tried and tested its efficiency, and this diet did not leave them disappointed. This diet has given hope to millions of people all over the world who want to lose weight and be healthier. But what are there to know about this master cleanse? Is this therapy really beneficial and safe to try?

The lemon detox diet is believed to be very safe because only natural products are used. The process would include the purification of the entire body as the accumulated toxins are flushed out from the system. As the body cleanses itself, its weight will begin to normalize.

Everyone should try to detoxify their bodies, at least twice a year. People who think that they are healthy enough should also try this kind of diet. You should know that toxins build up in our body because of the air we breathe, the water we drink, and even the food we eat. Even the emotional and physical stresses that we experience play a role in the accumulation of toxins. Thus, because of this, the body should be given a time to get rid of the harmful compounds that may endanger our health. This is where the detox diet should enter.

Healthy diet, supplemented by herbs and vitamins should be able to assist in the detoxification of our system. As you cleanse our body, you should stay away from substances that may have unfavorable effects to your body and health. Instead of turning to these unhealthy foods, you should try to eat those organically and naturally grown, like lemons, carrots and the likes that motivate the filtration process of the liver. This is why the lemon detox diet is a sure hit in attaining a healthier and better quality of life.

You should understand that the lemon detox diet is a great way to get rid of unwanted toxins, and not for weight loss. Perhaps, it is just a consequence because when you are doing a master cleanse, you only feed on liquids. However, when you reduce your intake of calorie, your body learns how to get by with less fuel so your metabolism slows down.

With slower metabolism, you may feel weaker. Thus, to be clear, you should remember that the primary goal of a lemon detox diet is to let your digestive system take a break, so that your body would have the opportunity to retune itself while you stay energetic at the same time.

If your goal is to lose weight rather than to eliminate toxins from your body, you will find yourself gaining weight right after your detox diet. This is because since your metabolism had slowed down during the diet, it would continue to slow down even after the diet. Thus, as you go back to your regular eating habit, your body would have a slower pace to burn off the calories that you are taking in.

In summary, you should consider the lemon detox diet as a detoxification regimen for your body at least twice a year. Purging toxins and unhealthy chemicals from your body should be your ultimate goal and not losing weight. Though losing weight is an offshoot of this diet, it should not be your main purpose.

If you really want to lose weight, you should try to exercise regularly and eat a balanced healthy meal.

Learning the Basics of Detox Diet

Learning the Basics of Detox Diet

There are a lot of ways on how to live a healthier life and at the same time shed off those unwanted body fats. One technique that is fast gaining popularity is the detox diet. What are there to know about this particular type of diet? Perhaps some of you may already have an idea of what to expect out of this kind of diet; but for those who want to know a little more about this, then you may want to explore this article.

Upon hearing the word detoxification, perhaps the primary thought that may appear in your mind is the procedure used for therapy of a person who has a certain kind of addiction. But this word may also mean as some kind of a diet wherein the body is cleansed of dietary toxins to improve one’s health.

This kind of diet may be done in a lot of ways, but in general, its aim is to reduce the ingestion of chemicals that may not be helpful for the body. This may be obtained by eating foods that are rich in fiber, so that toxins can be easily eliminated by frequent bowel movement.

Reasons to Go on a Detox Diet

There are people who undergo a weight loss program wherein their diet lacks some nutrients which aid or assist in detoxifying chemicals in our body. As a result of this, chemicals may build-up in the body which is often called as the “body burden.” This accumulation of chemicals is believed to be responsible of some illnesses including impairment of immune system and inefficiency of the body’s metabolism.

Aside from the fact that this diet may prevent serious illnesses, its effects are other reasons why people should try this diet. Most of the individuals who have tried this diet have testified that they have improved energy and digestion. Their bowel movement is frequent and regular, which makes them less irritable. They also opined that their concentration have increased after undergoing this kind of diet. And, as an added feature, their skins have become clearer and more radiant than before.

The Possible Side Effects

In every detoxification, there is a tendency of the occurrence of withdrawal symptoms. For instance, if a person cuts down his intake of caffeine, he may experience headache during the first few days of his withdrawal. Thus, practitioners recommend that instead of a sudden withdrawal they should try to slowly decrease their caffeine intake; as they say, slowly but surely.

Diarrhea may also be a drawback, and if it worsens, it may even lead to dehydration. However, constipation may also occur, especially if the person has consumed too much fiber and yet his fluid intake is not increased in the right proportion.

Aside from these, other simple effects are tiredness, hunger and sometimes, bad temper. However, these symptoms should not continue for a long time; thus, if such condition worsens during the duration of the diet, it would be best to visit and seek the advice of a professional.

Since this diet may exclude animal products from the list of foods that a person may eat, then it is possible that you may not get all the nutrients that you will be needing.

You should remember that a detox diet should not be continued for a longer period because it may lead to nutrient deficiencies like protein and calcium.

How to Successfully Undergo a Detox Diet

How to Successfully Undergo a Detox Diet

You have surely heard actresses on television say that they have lost weight dramatically thanks to a detox diet. It is possible? Yes it is and you too can successfully do it as long as you understand some basic things.

Before you start the detox diet, you must first consult with your doctor to be sure that it is safe. Nursing mothers or those who are pregnant should not try it. The same goes for people with certain medical conditions.

You also have to understand that there is a preparation phase involved before you get started. To do this, you have to reduce your consumption of alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, sugars and certain foods at least a week in advance, drinks lots of water and get plenty of rest.

It is best to also exercise at least 20 to 30 minutes a day to prepare your body physically for what is about to happen. This should also be done during the detox diet and even after to maintain your energy levels.

Naturally, you will have to buy the fruits and vegetables you will be using for the next few days. Ideally, these should be organic but if there is none, make sure to peel off the skin and wash these first before consuming.

Not all detox diets will require you to eat it raw. In fact, some programs will only tell you to eat 85% of it raw while the other 15% is cooked.

So you don’t get tired eating the same fruits or vegetables for the duration of the program, you have to know which ones work well together. An option is to mix carrots or tomatoes with celery, cucumber or spinach. If fruits are involved, use apple, cranberry or pineapple but never orange because it is highly acidic.

It will be very useful if you had a juice but if you don’t, a regular blended will work. You should consume a certain volume of at least 64 ounces of the fruit or vegetable for the next few days and then drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water.

For those who are unable to finish the drink made for that day, don’t worry because fruit juices will stay good for about 3 days while vegetable juices are good for 5 days.

Should the detox program last for about 3 days or longer, you can add in some solid fruits and vegetables during the succeeding days. If at any point you will dizzy, nauseous or you want to throw up, stop the program and get medical help.

Let’s say you have finished the detox diet. What happens next? Well, since detox diets are only good for the short term as this may be harmful to your health, it is best to gradually return to solid foods.

If you feel good about what it has done, this can be done again. Experts advise that this should only be done once or twice in a year.

The detox diet does more than cleanse your system. It may also help reduce your weight but don’t be fooled because the only thing you lost is water. You will eventually get this back when you go back to your regular diet.

There are many detox diets to choose from so read about each one to get to know what it is. If you don’t like to drink it, you can also eat it.